Some users may wish to run pre-release or beta versions of the Enterprise Broker in order to try out new features or check bugfixes before they are promoted to general availability. To obtain pre-release packages, you will need to add the Circonus "pilot" repository to the system where the broker is running.

Please note: Adopting the pilot repository means that you will get packages that have not received extensive production testing, but that updates will be released more frequently. Keep this fact in mind when deciding whether or not to use pilot packages.

For example, to use pilot packages on a CentOS/RHEL system, add the following stanza to /etc/yum.repos.d/Circonus.repo:

  1. [circonus-pilot]
  2. name=Circonus - Pilot
  3. baseurl=$releasever/x86_64/
  4. enabled = 1
  5. gpgcheck = 0
  6. metadata_expire = 5m

On OmniOS, you simply add another URL for the "circonus" publisher:

  1. pkg set-publisher -g circonus

The package names are the same, so you can update your existing broker package as you normally would. See "How do I update my Broker?" for details.

To disable the pilot repo on CentOS/RHEL, set the "enabled" value to 0 for the circonus-pilot stanza.

On OmniOS, disable the pilot repo by removing the URL:

  1. pkg set-publisher -G circonus
